Keep The Winter Cold Away With Stylish Sheepskin Boots

Nothing can really match the finesse of fine sheepskin boots. Though you can find lots of designs in synthetic and other natural materials, sheepskin continues to dominate the market due to its inherent qualities, which cannot be matched by others. Surprise your loved ones by gifting him or her with footwear made from this wonderful material. It will be highly useful during the cold winter months and the material’s durability makes it last for years to come.

Interesting Uses Of Sheepskin Boots Throughout History 

The superb insulating properties of sheepskin are not a fact known today. The earliest record of it dates back to 500 BCE, in a Mummy from Subhashi, China. Plato wrote that in Ancient Greece, people wrapped their feet in sheepskin during the winter season. In Russia for thousands of years, people have made use of sheepskin to make high boots to protect the feet from harsh winter weather. Did you know that when Sir Edmund Hilary and his team conquered Mt Everest, they used sheepskin boots to keep their feet warm while resting? 

Later Its Popularity Begins

Aviators began to use sheepskin boots in the 2nd century to keep the feet warm while flying high altitude. In Australia, a soft, slip on version of the boots called Ugg Boots was developed which later came to the US and became popular with celebrities there.

Today you can find boots made from sheepskin available in a wide range of designs and styles. They are offered in various sizes for both men and women. You can easily match sheepskin boots with modern attire and will find them to be the perfect solution to keeping the feet comfortable and warm during the winter months while staying indoors as well as when venturing outside for work. 


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