Why Sheepskin Boots Are The Perfect Footwear for All Seasons?

Imagine yourself on a shopping spree, taking your time walking up and down the shops. The weather is quite cold and it is unarguably a great idea to get a takeout coffee to warm up a bit. It works well for your hands, but the rest of you is still cold so you go for a new coat. You find the perfect coat but your feet are still freezing cold. It’s time to choose the perfect shoes to keep your feet warm and snugly leaving you to carry on shopping for the rest of the day.

Why sheepskin footwear is perfect for all seasons?

  • Sheepskin boots are wonderful for keeping the feet warm, but it is surprising that they keep your feet cool in the summers too. It might sound strange about cool when wearing wool, but believe it or not, it’s true.
  • The sheepskin boots for men and women are not only fit for all seasons, but they are a major fashion trend since the past one and a half decade and they don’t seem to stop any time soon.
  • There are a variety of shoes made of sheepskin for both men and women. You can choose sheepskin boots womens in different colors like white, pink, blue, etc. with pom poms on, with different sizes such as calf high, knee-high or ankle high.

How to care for your sheepskin shoes?

There are a couple of easy steps that you can take to ensure that your shoes made of sheepskin will last a very long time. We all want, the longer the better. We spend our hard-earned money on a pair so why not look after them right from the word go.

  • The footwear made out of sheepskin is meant to be worn barefoot because there is nothing like sticking your feet into the soft wool interior in your bare feet. But, those people who suffer from an unfortunate case of sweaty feet should consider wearing socks. If your feet sweat, the socks will soak it in and won’t be transferred through the wool of the shoes. This way, you can be saved from smelly boots following you around the house. 
  • It is a good idea to use a water repellent on your footwear. If you get caught in rain, it will help you stay drier until you can get indoors.
  • If you get some rain spots on your sheepskin boots, it is on the skin and gently rubs together to get rid of them.
  • The footwear made up of sheepskin is not ideal for wearing in the snow because it would be bad if the wet snow gets into them. Take your sheepskin boots mens on holidays with you and wear them to dinner, by the bar, in the lodge, but remember to avoid staying out of snow.
  • For a grease stain, get a piece of white chalk and use a sharp knife scrub powder from the chalk over the stain. Leave it for a few minutes and gently blow away the chalk by rubbing the stain. This can be repeated if needed.
  • If you need to wash your sheepskin footwear, soak the entire boot in cold water. Use a shampoo and conditioner meant especially for sheepskin. The entire area is cleaned thoroughly and evenly. Once washed and rinsed in cold water, they should be stuck in the washing machine, spin for a few minutes to get rid of excess water. They can be reshaped by putting paper towels inside and then allowed to dry slowly. Remember, not to dry them in direct sunlight or heat as this would make them go crunchy and hard.


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